Table 5.
Sample a | Host Name | Phytophthora Genus (FAM) | Plant Internal Control (ROX) |
Mean OT b | Mean OT b | ||
Phytophthora ramorum 1 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Cunningham’ | 3.80 | 6.23 |
P. ramorum 2 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Cunningham’ | 7.83 | 26.9 |
P. ramorum 3 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Cunningham’ | 5.64 | 5.55 |
P. ramorum 4 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Cunningham’ | 5.90 | 5.99 |
P. ramorum 5 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Cunningham’ | 7.07 | 6.32 |
P. ramorum 6 | Umbellularia californica | 8.39 | 26.9 |
P. ramorum 7 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Grace Seabrook’ | 10.28 | 5.19 |
P. ramorum 8 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Grace Seabrook’ | 8.09 | 5.56 |
P. ramorum 9 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Grace Seabrook’ | 11.14 | 5.12 |
P. ramorum 10 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Grace Seabrook’ | 12.78 | 6.12 |
P. ramorum 11 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Grace Seabrook’ | 10.32 | NR c |
P. ramorum 12 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Taurus’ | 9.05 | 5.57 |
P. ramorum 13 | Arctostaphylos refugioensis | 11.19 | 6.93 |
P. ramorum 14 | Rhododendron sp. ‘Rangoon’ | 7.75 | 5.27 |
Spumella-like flagellate | Fragaria sp. | NR | 27.11 |
Pythium debaryanum | Fragaria sp. | NR | 24.24 |
Plasmopara viticola | Vitis vinifera | NR | 18.57 |
P. multivora | Camellia sinensis | 4.80 | 22.06 |
P. chlamydospora | Rosa sp. | NR | NR |
P. brassicae | Brassica oleracea | 5.85 | 1.38 |
P. syringae 1 | Rhododendron sp. ‘President Roosevelt’ | 5.22 | 6.07 |
P. syringae 2 | Rhododendron sp. | 4.76 | 5.38 |
P. syringae 3 | Rhododendron sp. | 5.55 | 6.31 |
P. syringae 4 | Rhododendron sp. | 5.85 | 5.69 |
P. syringae 5 | Rhododendron sp. | 5.54 | 6.04 |
P. syringae 6 | Arctostaphylos densiflora | 7.41 | 25.90 |
Unknown Isolate 1 | Chiosya ternate | NR | 26.0 |
Unknown Isolate 2 | Mahonia repens | NR | 9.91 |
Unknown Isolate 3 | Camellia sasanqua | NR | 24.24 |
Water control | NA | NR | NR |
a Species identified within the sample via ELISA and ITS sequencing. b Values are expressed as the average (n = 2) onset of amplification (OT) in minutes. c (NR) indicates a negative reaction, no different than the water control.