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. 2018 Nov 22;40(6):1230–1241. doi: 10.1177/0271678X18814106

Table 2.

Significant clusters of reduced daytime rCBF with REM-AH and NREM-AH in all subjects.

Cluster size (k) T MNI coordinates
Peak location with AAL atlas
x y z
Model 1: Reduced daytime rCBF with REM-AH
647* 4.6 −12 62 2 L superior frontal medial
4.0 6 54 −8 R medial orbitofrontal
221* 4.1 42 20 4 R inferior frontal pars triangularis (extending to the R insula)
Model 1: Reduced daytime rCBF with NREM-AH
140 4.1 −68 −16 −20 L middle temporal
3.8 −68 −26 −20 L inferior temporal
225 3.9 −66 −14 22 L postcentral (parietal)
3.9 −66 −16 30 L postcentral (parietal)
3.9 −64 −20 38 L supramarginal (parietal)
Model 2: Reduced daytime rCBF with REM-AH in subjects with AHI<15
271* 4.4 40 18 6 R inferior frontal pars opercularis (extending to the R insula)
100 3.9 −30 22 10 L insula

Note: Regression models included both REM-AH and NREM-AH as well as age and total sleep duration as covariates. Clusters marked with (*) were still significant when sex was added as a covariate (cluster size: 146, 133 and 200 voxels). Clusters marked with (†) were still significant with REM-AHI or NREM-AHI instead of REM-AH and NREM-AH in subjects with REM sleep duration ≥ 30 minutes (cluster size: 207, 193 and 185 voxels). Significant regions of daytime rCBF were obtained with the following threshold: p < 0.001 uncorrected for peaks voxels found within a cluster of ≥100 continuous voxels.

rCBF: regional cerebral blood flow; NREM: non-rapid eye movement sleep; REM: rapid eye movement sleep; AH: apneas + hypopneas; AHI; apnea–hypopnea index; MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; AAL: automated anatomical labeling; OSA: obstructive sleep apnea; L: left; R: right.