Temporal response to intermittent 24-s BH challenges in a patient with
OSA (AHI = 28) and BOLD-derived BH indices. (a) BOLD signal (%) averaged
across the whole brain, gray matter and white matter; (c) tCBF
(mL/min/100 g brain) and SSS flow velocity (cm/s). (b, d) Temporal
averages of time-course data in (a, c), with dashed lines representing
calculated slopes yielding BHI. Shaded area represents apneic period.
(e) BHI maps derived from BOLD for three imaging slices from the same
OSA patient and a representative NSA subject. (f) BHI for OSA subjects
(red) and NSA reference subjects (green) pertaining to whole brain, GM,
and WM. Greater BH indices in OSA were significant in all three brain