Transduction of endothelial cells with
AAV-BR1-CAG-HEXA/B reduces astrocytic
activation in Hexb−/− mice. (a) GFAP
immunostaining of brain sections from
Hexb+/+ and
Hexb−/− mice which were treated
either with the vectors AAV-BR1-CAG-HEXA/B or
AAV-BR1-CAG-Ø at the age of 25–30 days and were sacrificed at the
age of 85–95 days indicated that endothelial HEXA/B
expression blunted astrocytic activation in different brain regions.
(b) Quantification of astrocytic activation by counting
GFAP-positive cells in different brain regions. Data are means ± SD
analyzed by one-way ANOVA (cortex, F(2/29) = 28.02,
p < 0.0001; striatum,
F(2/29) = 29.55, p < 0.0001;
cerebellum, F(2/23) = 11.08,
p < 0.0005), *p < 0.05,
***p < 0.0001 (Bonferroni test,
n = 5 mice per group).