Fig. 3.
The repair area was smooth and full in the ACCC group. Gross morphology of the femoral condyle, the counterpart meniscus and the tibia platform and the results of International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) scoring system. a The red-dotted circles show the defects and the repair area; the black arrows and the black bars indicate the torn meniscus and a 1-cm scale, respectively. b ICRS scoring system for macroscopic evaluation of cartilage repair, ICRS-ORA, ICRS-overall repair assessment; ICRS-MA, ICRS-macroscopic appearance; ICRS-IBZ, ICRS-integration to border zone; ICRS-DDR, ICRS-degree of defect repair; n = 6, data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation; black circles, black squares, black triangles and black stars indicate significant differences between the ACCC and the BC, AC, ACAC and ACWJ groups, respectively. P < 0.05 indicates a statistically significant difference