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. 2020 May 17;5(5):e002199. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-002199

Table 1.

Description of the sample and descriptive associations between trajectories and associated factors

Stepping Stones and Creating Futures trial Sonke CHANGE trial Indashyikirwa Trial
Construct Sample N=289 Flat-low N=182 (60.4%) High-reducing N=49 (19.1%) High-increasing N=58 (20.5%) Sample N=803 Flat-low n=530 (66.0%) High-reducing n=157 (19.1%) High-increasing n=116 (14.8%) Sample N=806 Flat-low n= 548 (66.5%) High-reducing n=185 (23.8%) High-increasing n=77 (9.7%)
n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD) n/mean (%/SD)
Age (continuous) 23.9(3.4) 23.9(3.4) 24.2(3.1) 23.6(3.5) 27.2(5.8) 27.6(5.9) 26.8(5.3) 25.9(5.7)** 35.7(5.3) 35.9(5.4) 34.8(5.2) 36.7(5.3)*
Primary (Indashyikirwa: none) 36(12.5) 17(10.2) 9(16.1) 10(14.9) 34(4.3) 20(3.8) 7(4.5) 7(6.1)** 144(17.7) 89(16.4) 33(18.0) 19(26.8)
Secondary: not complete (Indashyikirwa: some primary) 165(57.1) 91(54.8) 30(53.6) 44(65.7) 459(57.5) 286(54.3) 105(67.3) 68(59.1) 266(33.3) 186(34.2) 60(32.8) 20 (28.2)
Completed secondary (Indashyikirwa: completed primary and above) 88(30.5) 58(34.9) 17(30.4) 13(19.4) 305(38.2) 221(41.9) 44(28.2) 40(34.8) 391(49.0) 269(49.5) 90(49.2) 32(45.1)
Living together: married/not married (Indashyikirwa: legally married) 21(7.3) 9(5.4) 6(10.7) 6(9.0) 295(37.0) 178(33.7) 62(39.7) 55(48.3)** 557(69.1) 387(70.6) 119(64.3) 51 (69.9)
Not living together: married/girlfriend (Indashyikirwa: living together) 196(67.8) 112(67.5) 41(73.2) 43(64.2) 392(49.1) 273(51.7) 78(50.0) 41(36.0) 249(30.9) 161(29.4) 66(35.7) 22 (30.1)
No relationship 72(24.9) 45(27.1) 9(16.1) 18(26.9) 111(13.9) 77(14.6) 16(10.3) 18(15.8)
Food insecurity: score: 0–12 (Indashyikirwa: score 0–8) 7.8(2.6) 7.5(2.6) 8.0(2.6) 8.3(2.6)* 5.2(1.6) 5.04(1.6) 5.4(1.7) 5.4(1.7)** 5.3(1.5) 5.4(1.6) 5.2(1.4) 5.2(1.6)
Stealing in past month
Never 182(63.0) 120(72.3) 32(57.1) 30(44.8)*** 556(69.6) 418(79.2) 75(48.1) 63(54.8)***
Once or more 107(37.0) 46(27.7) 24(42.9) 37(55.2) 243(30.4) 110(20.8) 81(51.9) 52(45.2)
Past month earnings
None 119(41.2) 81(48.8) 19(33.9) 19(28.4)** 188(23.4) 134(25.3) 33(21.0) 21(18.1) 219(27.2) 146(26.6) 54(29.2) 19(26.0)
Any 170(58.8) 85(51.2) 37(66.1) 48(71.6) 615(76.6) 396(74.7) 124(79.0) 95(81.9) 587(72.8) 402(73.4) 131(70.8) 54 (74.0)
Worked for pay past 3 months
No 177(61.3) 100(60.2) 35(62.5) 42(62.7) 396(49.6) 257(48.7) 75(48.1) 64(55.6)
Yes 112(38.8) 66(39.8) 21(37.5) 25(37.3) 403(50.4) 271(51.3) 81(51.9) 51(44.4)
Shame about lack of work (mean >= more) 10.9(2.6) 10.9(2.4) 11.2(2.6) 10.5(2.9)
Gender attitudes and practices
Relationship control (score: 0–24) 10.8(3.9) 10.2(3.6) 12.2(4.2) 11.1(4.1)***
Acceptability of wife-beating
Disagree 156(54.0) 110(66.3) 21(37.5) 25(37.3)*** 457(56.9) 329(62.1) 76(48.4) 52(44.8)*** 473(59.0) 368(67.4) 81(44.3) 24(32.9)***
Agree 133(46.0) 56(33.7) 35(62.5) 42(62.7) 346(43.1) 201(37.9) 81(51.6) 64(55.2) 329(41.0) 178(32.6) 10.2(55.7) 49 (67.1)
Mental Health and Substance use
Alcohol use: score: 0–40 (Indashyikirwa: score: 0–9) 7.6(8.4) 6.3(7.5) 10.2(9.2) 8.8(9.3)*** 13.2(6.6) 12.6(6.2) 14.6(7.6) 13.8(6.5)** 1.5(1.9) 1.2(1.8) 2.0(2.2) 1.8(1.8)***
No 149(52.1) 105(63.6) 14(25.0) 30(46.2)*** 582(72.5) 434(81.9) 79(50.3) 69(59.5)*** 687(87.3) 498(93.3) 138(76.2) 51(70.8)***
Yes 137(47.9) 60(36.4) 42(75.0) 35(53.9) 221(27.5) 96(18.1) 78(49.7) 47(40.5) 100(12.7) 36(6.7) 43(23.8) 21(29.2)
Childhood experiences
Childhood traumas (Indashyikirwa: beaten as a child)
SS/CF score:12–48; CHANGE score: 11–60; Indashyikirwa: often or very often 17.5(5.8) 16.1(4.8) 20.5(7.4) 18.4(5.5)*** 20.5(6.0) 19.2(4.8) 23.1(6.7) 22.9(7.7)*** 227(28.2) 133(24.3) 69(37.3) 25(34.2)**
Witnessing abuse of mother
Never 191(66.3) 116(70.3) 33(58.9) 42(62.7) 592(74.1) 419(79.1) 106(69.3) 67(57.8)*** 453(55.38) 328(60.1) 85(46.0) 31 (42.5)***
Sometimes or often 97(33.7) 49(29.7) 23(41.1) 25(37.3) 207(25.9) 111(20.9) 47(30.7) 49(42.2) 360(44.8) 218(39.9) 100(54.1) 42 (57.5)

*p<0.1 **p<0.05 ***p<0.001.