Appendix Table 2:
Hospital characteristic | # of hospitals | % of hospitals |
MAPP5_recode Medical school affiliation reported to American Medical Association |
No 3, yes 17 | 85 |
MAPP8_recode Member of Council of Teaching Hospital of the Association of American Medical Colleges (COTH) |
No 14, yes 6 | 30 |
MAPP18_recode Critical Access Hospital |
No 20 | 0 |
MAPP19_recode Rural Referral Center |
No 20 | 0 |
MEDHME_recode Does your hospital have an established medical home program? |
No 3, yes 17 | 85 |
NETWRK_recode Is the hospital a participant in a network |
No 5, yes 15 | 75 |
PHYGP_recode Is hospital owned in whole or in part by physicians or a physicians group |
No 20 | 0 |
admtot_grp4_flag Total facility admissions |
Lower quartiles 5, highest quartile 15 | 75 |
bdtot_grp4_flag Total facility beds set up and staffed at the end of reporting period |
Lower quartiles 6, highest quartile 14 | 70 |
genbd_grp4_flag General medical and surgical (adult) beds |
Lower quartiles 8, highest quartile 12 | 60 |
hospbd_grp4_flag Total hospital beds |
Lower quartiles 6, highest quartile 14 | 70 |
lbedsa_grp4_flag Licensed Beds Total Facility |
Lower quartiles 6, highest quartile 14 | 70 |
mcddc_grp3_flag Total facility Medicaid discharges |
Lower tertiles 3, highest tertile 17 | 85 |
rehabbd_grp3_flag Physical Rehabilitation care beds |
Lower tertiles 9, highest tertile 11 | 55 |
snbd88_grp2_flag Skilled nursing care beds |
No 18, yes 2 | 10 |
suropip_grp4_flag Inpatient surgical operations |
Lower quartiles 6, highest quartile 14 | 70 |
suropop_grp4_flag Outpatient surgical operations |
Lower quartiles 8, highest quartile 12 | 60 |
suroptot_grp4_flag Total surgical operations |
Lower quartiles 6, highest quartile 14 | 70 |