Figure 4. Limited homeostatic rewiring of bipolar cell dendrites after cone degeneration in mature retinas.
(A) Timeline of the experiment. Mice were intravitreally injected with AAV-Grm6-YFP at P6 to label ON bipolar cells and intraperitoneally injected with DT once at P30 to ablate cones. Thirty days after DT injection (P60), retinas were dissected for analysis.
(B, C, H, I, N, O, T, U) Representative images of maximum intensity projections for dendrites (cyan) of XBC (B, C), BC5i/o (H, I), BC6 (N, O), and BC7 (T, U) cells in control (B, H, N, T) and Cone-DTR (C, I, O, U) retinas 30 days after DT injection at P10 with cone arrestin (CAR, red) staining. Scale bar = 5 μm. Insets show higher magnification views of overlaps between dendritic tips and cones pedicles.
(D-G, J-M, P-S, V-Y) Summary data for total numbers of tips in cones (D, J, P, V), numbers of tips per cone (E, K, Q, W), contact ratios (F, L, R, X), and dendritic territories (G, M, S, Y) in control (open) and Cone-DTR (filled) XBCs (D-G), BC5i/o (J-M), BC6 (P-S), and BC7 (V-Y) cells. Throughout this figure, absence of an asterisk indicates p ≥ 0.05, * indicates p < 0.05, ** indicates p < 0.01, and *** indicates p < 0.001. See also Table S4 and Figures S6 and S7.