Fig. 5. Setup of 2D OECT model.
Drift–diffusion model used to clarify the steady-state behavior of OECTs. The OECT is modeled by a layer of PEDOT:PSS, covered by an electrolyte. The PEDOT:PSS layer is contacted by source and drain electrodes on the bottom, which are treated as Ohmic contacts for holes, but are ideally reflecting for ions, that is, the normal ion current is set to zero at the electrodes. The electrolyte is contacted by the gate electrode, which is treated as ohmic for ions, that is, the cation concentration is set to its equilibrium concentration at the interface. Holes can only migrate inside the PEDOT:PSS layer, but cations can migrate inside the electrolyte and PEDOT:PSS. Anions inside the electrolyte and PSS− ions in the PEDOT layer are assumed to be stationary.