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. 2020 May 20;10:8347. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65460-9

Table 2.

General characteristics after PSM.

Normal weight (n = 1,155) Overweight (n = 1,155) p*
Age, mean(SD) 59.63(10.59) 59.7(10.32) 0.870
Gender, n(%) 0.881
   Female 256 260
   Male 899 895
Smoke, n(%) 0.900
   No 655 659
   Yes 500 496
HTN, n(%) 0.521
   No 703 719
   Yes 452 436
DM, n(%) 0.885
   No 866 870
   Yes 289 285
HCC cause, n(%) 0.996
   HBV 733 737
   HCV 130 132
   NBNC 20 22
   Alcohol 125 118
   Mixed (HBV + HCV) 10 11
   Unknown 137 135
Laboratory findings ALT, mean(SD) 45.6(1.95) 49.38(2.08) 0.644
   Albumin, mean(SD) 3.96(0.57) 3.95(0.56) 0.659
   Platelet, mean(SD) 142.61(68.01) 141.39(69.14) 0.667
   PT(INR), mean(SD) 1.11(0.14) 1.11(0.15) 0.318
   Cr, mean(SD) 0.93(0.59) 0.92(0.42) 0.652
   Na, mean(SD) 139.72(3.62) 139.73(3.07) 0.890
   Total cholesterol, mean(SD 160.22(37.98) 160.73(37.02) 0.745
   AFP, mean(SD) 1162.94(5992.19) 1132.1(7435.5) 0.913
CTP class, n(%) 0.639
   1 1034 1026
   2 121 129
MELD score, mean(SD) 8.61(2.51) 8.65(2.5) 0.648
MELD-Na, mean(SD) 9.54(3.16) 9.6(3.16) 0.626
Tumor number, n(%) 0.918
   Single 812 814
   Multiple 343 341
Tumor size, mean(SD) 288.8 (43.0) 288.8 (37.3) 0.911
BCLC stage, n(%) 0.968
   0 163 160
   A 776 775
   B 216 220

*p values were calculated using the t-test or Fisher’s exact test.

PSM, propensity score matching; SD, standard deviation; HTN, hypertension; DM, diabetes mellitus; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; NBNC, non-hepatitis B and non-hepatitis C; ALT, aminotransferase; PT, prothrombin time; INR, international normalized ratio; Cr, creatinine; Na, sodium; AFP, alpha-fetoprotein; CTP, Child-Turcotte-Pugh; MELD, model for end-stage liver disease; BCLC, Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer.