In Male and Female MC4R-HA+/- Mice with DIO, Switching to a LF Diet Decreases Caloric Intake, Restores Normal Weight, and Reverts Hepatosteatosis
(A) Timeline.
(B–G) Male MC4R-HA+/- mice, arrow shows time of diet switch; food intake and body weight, LFD, n = 8, HFD, n = 10, HFD to LFD, n = 10 (B–E); serum leptin, LFD, n = 6, HFD, n = 6, HFD to LFD, n = 6 (D); serum insulin, LFD, n = 8; HFD, n = 7; HFD to LFD, n = 8 (E); (F–G) Confocal microscopy of liver, normalized data are from three MIP images per mouse; liver lipid droplets, LFD, n = 4, HFD n = 6, HFD to LFD, n = 6 (F); liver Grp78, LFD, n = 5; HFD, n = 6, HFD to LFD diet n = 4 (G). (B and C) Data are represented as mean values +/- SEM. (D–G) Data are represented as mean values +/- SEM.
(H–M) Female MC4R-HA+/- mice, arrow shows time of diet switch; food intake and body weight, LFD, n = 9, HFD, n = 7, HFD to LFD, n = 8 (H–I); serum leptin, LFD, n = 8; HFD, n = 7; HFD to LFD, n = 7 (J); serum insulin, LFD, n = 7; HFD, n = 6; HFD to LFD, n = 7 (K). (L and M) Confocal microscopy of liver, normalized data are from three MIP images per mouse; liver lipid droplets, LFD, n = 5, HFD n = 5, HFD to LFD, n = 5 (L); liver Grp78, LFD, n = 5; HFD, n = 6, HFD to LFD, n = 6 (M). Scale bars, 60 μm. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001; ∗∗∗∗, p < 0.0001. (H and I) Data are represented as mean values +/- SEM. (J–M) Data are represented as mean values +/- SEM.