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. 2020 May 6;22(5):e13289. doi: 10.2196/13289

Table 2.

Frequency of codes in messages (N=517).

Scale, category of codes, and codes Messages, n (%)
Motivational Interviewing Scale

Supporting client strengths 280 (54.1)

Explored previous successes N/Aa

Explored positive qualities N/A

Accentuated any motivation for change N/A

Highlighted any efforts towards change N/A

Used affirmations to highlight strengths, motivation N/A

Engagement 280 (54.1)

Worked to fully understand the problem and the client’s perspective before moving toward change N/A

Focused on engagement before change N/A

Used reflective listening to convey empathy and understanding N/A

Used affirmations to build a positive relationship N/A

Eliciting change talk 110 (21.3)

Asked about concerns using open-ended questions or reflective listening N/A

Asked for elaboration about concerns N/A

Explored client values as they relate to change N/A

Selectively responded to change talk with curiosity, interest N/A

Explored pros and cons or decisional balance N/A

Used low-threshold questions N/A

Promoting internal motivation 106 (20.5)

Elicited and respected the client’s goals for treatment N/A

Explored values underlying the motivation for change N/A

Supported autonomy in decision making N/A

Assessing motivation 78 (15.1)

Identified a target behavior N/A

Identified stage of change N/A

Used importance, confidence, and readiness ruler N/A

Differentiated between different areas of motivation (eg, substance use vs mental health; treatment vs change) N/A

Addressing ambivalence 72 (13.9)

Normalized ambivalence N/A

Explored ambivalence N/A

Reframed ambivalence N/A

Used a decisional balance N/A

Avoided direct persuasion N/A

Explored pros and cons of change N/A

Rolling with resistance 48 (9.3)

Affirmation (external reframe) N/A

Empathic response N/A

Reflective listening N/A

Providing choice N/A

Nondefensive response N/A
Smoking Cessation Counseling Scale

Basic counseling

If willing to quit, provide assistance 247 (47.8)

Ask if willing to quit 26 (5.0)

If not quitting, help identify barriers 23 (4.4)

Advanced counseling

Helping smokers prepare to quitb 206 (39.8)

Helping smokers anticipate barriersc 197 (38.1)

Managing relapsesd 73 (14.1)

Advising smokers to set a quit date 47 (9.2)

Getting social supporte 46 (8.9)

aN/A: not applicable.

bHelping smokers prepare to quit codes include identify reasons and benefits for quitting; provide information for follow-up visits with doctor; and recommend over-the-counter nicotine patch, other medications.

cHelp smokers anticipate barriers codes include anticipate challenges in the beginning; anticipate nicotine withdrawal; alcohol is associated with relapse; and review past quit attempts, what helped, and what led to relapse.

dManage relapses codes include if relapse occurs, review and learn from experience; if relapse occurs, repeat quit attempts; if relapse occurs, reassess problems; and total abstinence is essential.

eGetting social support codes include get support from family, friends, and coworkers; and other smokers in house are not helpful.