Figure 1.
Agarose gel electrophoresis showing digestion of PCR products of MMP3 and MMP9 genes. (A) Agarose gel (3%) stained with ethidium bromide revealing digestion of PCR product using the Psy1 restriction enzyme. Lane L is a 50 bp DNA ladder, lane 1 is the homozygous 6A/6A genotype, lanes 3 and 4 are homozygous 5A/5A genotype, lane 2 is the heterozygous 5A/6A genotype. (B) Agarose gel (2%) stained with ethidium bromide revealing digestion of PCR product using SphI restriction enzyme. Lane L is the 50 bp DNA ladder, lane 1 is the heterozygous CT genotype, and lanes 2 and 3 are the homozygous CC genotype.