a, Immunohistochemistry (left) with quantification (right)
of CD3+ and CD8+ T cells in untreated control (grey) or
Adar1-null (red) B16 tumours (n = 8 mice
per group). b, Flow cytometry of immune populations from untreated
control and Adar1-null B16 tumours (representative results from
two independent experiments; n= 8–10 mice per group per
experiment). TAN, tumour-associated neutrophils. c, d,
t-Distributed stochastic neighbour embedding
(t-SNE) plot (c) and density plots
(d) of 7,406 RNA-sequenced (RNA-seq) single CD45+
cells from Adar1-null and control B16 tumours
(n = 2 biological replicates for each population).
Treg, regulatory T cells; M1, M1 macrophages; M2, M2 macrophages;
cDC, conventional dendritic cells; MoDC, monocyte-derived dendritic cells; pDC,
plasmacytoid dendritic cells. e, Gene set enrichment analysis
(GSEA) of IFN response signatures in immune cells from
Adar1-null compared with control tumours. FDR calculated using
GSEA. f, IFNβ and IFNγ protein levels within the TME
of Adar1-null and control B16 tumours; n = 4
for each condition. a, b, f, Twosided
Student’s t-test;*P < 0.05;
**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001;
****P < 0.0001.