Figure 6. Ahit is a nuclear lncRNA and interacts with SUZ12.
A. RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays of Ahit (red) in NMCMs; α-actinin is green, nucleus (DAPI) is blue. B. Percentage of nuclear (blue bar) and cytoplasmic (red bar) RNA concentrations of Ahit relative to GAPDH and 18S (cytoplasmic markers), and snoRNA and NEAT1 (nuclear markers) quantified by qRT-PCR. Results (mean±SEM) are expressed as relative proportions (n=3). C. Online- predicted interaction between Ahit and SUZ12 on catRAPID website. Red represents interaction strength. D. RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) of SUZ12 and Ahit in NMCMs. Bars represent fold -enrichment of Ahit immunoprecipitated by specific SUZ12 antibody or anti-IgG (n=4. **P < 0.01 versus IgG, Student’s t-test). Data are shown as mean±SEM. E. Representative immuno-blotting of SUZ12 pulled down from biotinylated Ahit incubated with nuclear extracts of NMCMs (repeated for 4 times). Antisense RNA was set as negative control.