(A-F) Selected frames from time-lapse movies
of class IV da neuron dendrites at specific time points after the start of
imaging. Images of the larvae were taken 48 h AEL (A and
F), 72 h AEL (B), 96 h AEL (C), and
120 h AEL (D). The neurons are labeled by
ppk>CD4-tdTom (A, D,
E, and F) or ppk
>CD4-tdTom (B and C). Blue arrows
indicate dendrite retractions compared to the previous time point. Yellow arrows
indicate dendrite extensions compared to the previous time point.
(E) Dendrite morphology at the end of 12 h of imaging.
(F) Consecutive frames with 3 min intervals in a movie
illustrating how a dendrite branch in a second instar larva extended (yellow
arrows) and subsequently retracted (blue arrows) after it made contact with
another dendrite.