Figure 3.
Schistosomula EV-surface N-glycans include DC-SIGN ligands.
Basic scheme of the protocol for obtaining the N-glycan spectra (images adjusted from Servier Medical Art) (a), details can be found in the materials and methods. PNGase F released N-glycans measured by MALDI-TOF-MS from total (b), intact (PGNase F accessible N-glycans, “surface”) (c), and PNGase F treated (PGNase F non-accessible N-glycans on either surface or inside of the EV, “shaved”) (d) EV-enriched preparations. Signals are labelled with monoisotopic masses. Putative structural assignments were deduced from these masses based on hydrofluoric acid (HF) treatment (data not shown) and published data of schistosomula glycans [34]. Spectra shown are representative for three biological replicates. Red triangle, fucose; yellow circle, galactose; green circle, mannose; blue square, N-acetylglucosamine; yellow square, N-acetylgalactosamine; white star, xylose; *, signals corresponding to a hexose oligomer of unknown origin; #, non-glycan signals