Infection of TZM-bl cells by NE1, NE1 Q563R, E1 and E1 R563Q viruses was tested in the presence of anti-cluster I antibodies (A) 240-D, (B) 246-D, (C) F240 and (D) T32. (E) Relative fusion of Blam-Vpr viruses with NE1, NE1 Q563R, E1 and E1 R563Q Envs with TZM-bl cells in the presence of HR-1-targeting mAb 240-D is shown. (F) Fold change in infection of TZM-bl cells by E1 and E1 R563Q viruses with different amounts of 246-D. Values are normalized to levels seen for E1 R563Q virus in the absence of antibody; data are represented as fold-change compared to E1 R563Q virus infectivity. All assays were conducted in triplicate. Data are represented as mean values; error bars indicate SEM. The dotted line indicates 50% infection.