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. 2020 May 21;2(7):e379–e381. doi: 10.1016/S2665-9913(20)30160-0


Anakinra trials in COVID-19

Population Intervention Control Outcome (primary) Targeted recruitment (receiving anakinra) Completion date Country
Confirmed SARS-CoV-2; patients with respiratory symptoms and requirement of oxygen therapy; CRP >50 mg/L Intravenous: 200 mg twice a day on days 1–3; 100 mg twice a day on days 4–10 SOC Treatment success by day 14 (patient alive and not requiring IMV or EMCO) 240 (120) September, 2020 France
Confirmed SARS-CoV-2; x-ray or CT confirmation of lower respiratory tract infection; plasma soluble urokinase plaminogen activator receptor ≥6 ng/mL Subcutaneous: 100 mg once a day on days 1–10 and antibiotic (trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole) None Patients not developing serious respiratory failure by day 14 100 (100) April, 2022 Greece
Confirmed SARS-CoV-2; presence of respiratory distress (PaO2/FiO2 <300 mm Hg, or respiratory rate ≥30 breaths per min, or peripheral oxygen saturation <93%); hyperinflammation (lymphocyte counts <1000 cells per μL and two of the following: ferritin >500 ng/mL, LDH >300 U/L, and D-dimer >1000 ng/mL) Intravenous: 100 mg every 4 h on days 1–15 (comparator group: emapalumab [anti-IFNγ mAb]) SOC Treatment success by day 15 (proportion of patients not requiring IMV or EMCO) 54 (18) September, 2020 Italy
Confirmed SARS-CoV-2; organ dysfunction defined as presence of total SOFA score ≥2 or involvement of lower respiratory tract; macrophage activation syndrome Intravenous: 200 mg three times a day on days 1–7 SOC Change of SOFA score; improvement of lung involvement measurements; increased PaO2/FiO2 ratio (all by day 8) 40 (20) April, 2022 Greece
Confirmed SARS-CoV-2; hyperferritinaemia >700 ng/mL; fever >38°C; any two of the following: increased D-dimers >500 ng/mL or thrombocytopenia <130 000 mm3, leukopenia (white blood cell count <3500 mm3) or lymphopenia (<1000 mm3), elevated AST or ALT >2 times upper limit of normal, elevated LDH >2 times upper limit of normal Subcutaneous: 100 mg every 4 h on days 1–5 Placebo No increase in oxygen requirement and no increase in respiratory support measures 20 (10) December, 2020 USA
Confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis; PaO2/FiO2 <350 mm Hg (on room air) or PaO2/FiO2 <280 mm Hg (supplemental oxygen) and requiring high flow or IMV; cytokine release syndrome defined as the following: ferritin >1000 μg/L and rising over last 24 h, or ferritin >2000 μg/L in high flow or IMV patients, or lymphopenia (<800 cells per μL), and two of the following: ferritin >700 μL, increased LDH >300 IU/L, D-dimers >1000 ng/mL, CRP >70 mg/mL; chest x-ray or CT with bilateral infiltrates Subcutaneous: 100 mg once a day on days 1–28 (comparator groups:with or without siltuximab; with or without tocilizumab) SOC 2 point improvement on six category ordinal scale or discharge from hospital 342 (171) December, 2020 Belgium
Patients in CORIMUNO-19 cohort; CRP >25 mg/L; patients in either group 1: requiring >3 L/min oxygen, WHO progression scale 5, no NIV or high flow; or group 2: respiratory failure and IMV or NIV or high flow, WHO progression scale ≥6, do-not-resuscitate order Intravenous: 200 mg twice a day on days 1–3; 100 mg twice a day on day 4; 100 mg once a day on day 5 SOC Survival without need of ventilator use at day 14; WHO progression scale ≤5 by day 4; cumulative incidence of successful tracheal extubation or withdrawal of NIV or high flow at day 14; decrease of at least 1 point in WHO progression scale at day 4 240 (120) December, 2020 France
2015-002340-14 (REMAP-CAP)
Suspected or confirmed COVID-19; admission to ICU with symptoms, signs, or both that are consistent with lower respiratory tract infection, and radiological evidence of new onset consolidation; up to 48 h after ICU admission, receiving organ support with one or more of the following: NIV, IMV, vasopressor and ionotropes alone or in combination Intravenous: 300 mg bolus; 100 mg every 4 h SOC All-cause mortality (day 90); days alive and outside of ICU (day 21) 7100 (unspecified) December, 2023 Global
Confirmed SARS-CoV-2; hypoxic pneumonia (including arterial oxygen saturation <90 mm Hg); CRP >150 mg/L; acute respiratory distress syndrome (including IMV with PaO2/FiO2 <300 mm Hg) Intravenous: 300 mg once a day on day 1–5 (then dose tapering)with or without ruxolitinib SOC At least three parameters met (including CRP, ferritin, or both) from: CRP decrease >50%, ferritinaemia decrease >1/3, serum creatine decrease >1/3, AST or ALT decrease >50%, eosinophils >50 mm3, lymphocytes >1000 mm3 50 (25) August, 2020 France
Suspected or confirmed COVID-19; receiving organ support with one or more of the following: NIV, IMV, vasopressor and inotropes alone or in combination Subcutaneous: 100 mg twice a day; or intravenous: 100 mg every 4 h NA Plasma IL-1 receptor antagonist and IL-6 on days 1–7 30 (30) September, 2020 UK

SARS-CoV-2=severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. CRP=C-reactive protein. SOC=standard of care. IMV=invasive mechanical ventilation. EMCO=extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. NA=not applicable. LDH=lactose dehydrogenase. SOFA=sequential organ failure assessment. AST=aspartate aminotransferase. ALT=alanine aminotransferase. NIV=non-invasive ventilation. ICU=intensive care unit. IL=interleukin.

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