(A) Representative cryo-EM micrograph acquired with a Tecnai G2 Polara microscope. (B) 2D class averages of CALHM4 in presence of Ca2+. (C) Data processing workflow. Two rounds of non-symmetrized 3D classification allowed to isolate two populations representing decameric and undecameric assemblies. The particles were further refined with either D10 or D11 symmetry imposed. After performing per-particle CTF refinement and Bayesian polishing, the remaining structural heterogeneity in decamers was segregated by performing the final 3D classification, where the orientations were kept fixed as in the consensus model. To further improve the resolution of each reconstruction, partial signal subtraction followed by 3D refinement was applied. Particles with the symmetry relaxed to either C10 or C11 were merged and subjected to a final round of auto-refinement. The distribution of all particles (%) and the resolution of each class is indicated. (D) FSC plot of the final refined undecameric unmasked (orange), masked (pink), phase-randomized (green) and corrected for mask convolution effects (blue) cryo-EM density map of CALHM4. The resolution at which the FSC curve drops below the 0.143 threshold is indicated. The inset shows the atomic model within the mask that was applied for calculations of the resolution estimates. (E) Final 3D reconstruction of undecameric CALHM4 colored according to local resolution. (F) FSC plot of the final refined decameric unmasked (orange), masked (pink), phase-randomized (green) and corrected for mask convolution effects (blue) cryo-EM density map of CALHM4. The resolution at which the FSC curve drops below the 0.143 threshold is indicated. The inset shows the atomic model within the mask that was applied for calculations of the resolution estimates. (G) Final 3D reconstruction of decameric CALHM4 colored according to local resolution.