PD |
Pink1/Mitochondrial morhogenesis, mitophagy, mitochondrial fission-fusion, mitochondria transport in axon |
Neurons degeneration accompanied with mitochondria- related structural alterations |
PD |
Parkin/Mitochondrial biogenesis, UPS, mitophagy, antioxidant defense |
Impaired mitochondrial function and morphology, oxidative damage |
PD |
Alpha-synuclein/Mitophagy, ROS formation, mitochondrial fusion |
Mitochondrial fragmentation, impaired respiratory complex |
PD |
LRRK2/Regulating mitochondrial homeostasis |
Reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and total intracellular ATP levels, mitochondrial elongation and interconnectivity |
Mfn2/fusion, transportation of mitochondria, axonal transport |
Accumulations in mitochondrial network, Aberration in Δψm, Disorders in mitochondrial fusion |
GDAP1/fission, regulation of mitochondria network |
Elongated mitochondria, Oxidative stress, Neuronal demyelization |
Abnormal brain development, Optic atrophy |
Drp1/fission |
Elongated mitochondria, fission disruption |
Dominant Optical Atrophy |
OPA1/fusion |
Fragmented mitochondria, Aberrations in ATP production, Δψm and oxygen consumption, Instability of mtDNA, Sensitivity to apoptosis |