Fig. 5.
FBP1 prevents LUAD tumor progression. a Kaplan−Meier OS and RFS curves based on FBP1 expression as determined using the TCGA data set. b Box plots of FBP1 expression in the LUAD tissues at different tumor stages, according to the TCGA data set. c Scatter plot of FBP1 methylation levels in the tumor and adjacent tissues from samples in the TCGA data set. d The correlation between FBP1 mRNA levels in the LUAD tumor samples and FBP1 methylation levels in the TCGA data set. e Scatter plot of FBP1 expression was based on FBP1 copy number alterations in the TCGA data set. f Western blotting and qPCR analysis confirming the overexpression of FBP1 in the A549 cells compared with the level in the control cells. g–l The effect of FBP1 overexpression on cell apoptosis (g); cell proliferation (h); colony formation (i); cell migration, as determined by wound-healing assays (j); cell migration and invasion, as determined by Transwell assays (k); and angiogenesis (l). Data are represented as the means ± SD. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001