Dissecting Samd14 SAM domain function with chimeric SAM domain proteins.
A, schematic representation of fusion constructs. B, top, overlay of predicted SAM domains of Samd14 and Neb1 with SHIP-2. Blue, α helix; teal, coil; green, bend; and yellow, turn. Bottom, surface models of Samd14, SHIP-2, and Neb1 SAM domains. Red, negatively charged area; blue, positive; gray, neutral. D, dipole/debye. C, Western blotting of spleen progenitors retrovirally-infected with EV, HA-tagged Samd14, a SAM domain-deleted mutant of Samd14 (Samd14 ΔSAM), and Samd14 with SAM domain sequence of Neurabin-1 (S14–cNeb1) and Samd14 with SAM domain sequence of SHIP-2 (S14-cS2). D, quantitation of BFU-E colonies from 12-h cultured GFP+ cells (n = 7, BFU-E numbers normalized to colonies per 3 × 104 GFP+ cells). E, quantitation of pAKT and pERK1/2 median fluorescence intensity post-stimulation with SCF (10 ng/ml). (n = 4 for each condition). F, quantitation of flow cytometric analysis of noncell membrane permeating DNA dye (Draq7) and anti-annexin V Pacific Blue (AnnV). Cells were first segregated based on GFP+, CD71+, and Ter119+. Draq7−AnnV−, live; and Draq7+AnnV+, late apoptotic. G, quantitation of flow cytometric analysis of noncell membrane permeating DNA dye (Draq7) and anti-annexin V Pacific Blue (AnnV). Left, cells were segregated based on GFP+, CD71+, and Ter119+. Right, cells were segregated based on GFP+, CD71+, and Ter119−. Draq7−AnnV+, early apoptotic (n = 3). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean (S.E.). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001 (two-tailed unpaired Student's t test).