Figure 5.
Nuclear recoil effect during α-decay within pharmaceuticals for targeted alpha therapy (TAT-P). Schematic representation of two hypothetical scenarios describing the fate of the recoiling daughter radionuclide that gets released from the chelating moiety of TAT-P in vivo. The upper section labelled “No TAT-P internalization” depicts a daughter radionuclide that is released into the blood stream while causing either unspecific local damage to healthy tissue or travels further with the blood stream and causes analogical damage distantly elsewhere. The lower section labelled “TAT-P internalization” depicts TAT-P that specifically internalizes into the targeted tumor cell. The daughter radionuclide is then released with a high probability inside the tumor cell or to a minor extent might escape the tumor cell and cause damage not only to the target tumor cell but, depending on the travelled distance, to other cells as well.