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. 2020 May 22;33(1):25–34. doi: 10.1007/s12028-020-00995-3

Table 2.

Three-tiered design of GCS-NeuroCOVID study

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Design Prospective, Observational Registry Prospective outcome study Experimental translational study
Study characteristics—adult (age ≥ 18)

Population: Simple inclusion and exclusion criteria. Broadly inclusive

Data: Small # of core data elements, low data granularity, capture basic groups

Outcome: Global outcomes measured at acute care hospital discharge: Mortality, discharge disposition, length of stay

Patient contact: All data collected remotely from electronic health records ± telecommunication with clinical team. No direct contact with study subjects

Ethical board: Qualifies for expedited review and waiver of consent

Population: COVID-19 with neurological symptoms

Data: More detailed clinical and neuro-diagnostic data, e.g.,

 Detailed neuro examination

 Clinical laboratory data

 Clinical imaging and neurophysiologic data.

Outcome: Longitudinal study to capture subacute and long-term events; include cognitive outcome

Patient contact: Require contact via telecommunication for outcome assessment. (no direct contact to reduce exposure)

Ethical board: Requires full board review and informed consent

Population: Same as Tier 2


 Advanced, non-standard neuro-diagnostics (e.g., advanced magnetic resonance techniques)

 Prospective biospecimens collection (CSF, blood, other) for experimental biomarkers investigation

 Possible histologic tissue study

Outcome: Same as Tier 2

Patient contact: Involves direct contact + biospecimens. Needs infection containment for study procedure and biospecimen storage (BSL2/2 +)

Ethical board: Requires full board review and written informed consent

Study characteristics—pediatrics (age < 18)

Population: All confirmed and presumed COVID-19 cases

Data: Detailed clinical and neuro-diagnostic data collection

Outcomes: In-hospital outcomes

Patient contact: No direct contact, electronic chart review + telecommunication with clinical team

Ethical board: Qualifies for expedited review and waiver of consent

Population: Same as Tier 1

Data: Post-hospital discharge child and family outcomes

Outcome: Post-hospital outcome at 1–3 months after acute care hospital discharge

Patient contact: Require contact via telecommunication for outcome assessment. (no direct contact to reduce exposure)

Ethical board: Requires full board review and informed consent

Population: Same as Tier 1

Data: Prospective biospecimens collection (CSF, blood, other) for experimental biomarkers investigation; clinically obtained imaging and other testing; neuropsychological testing

Outcome: Descriptive biomarkers; biomarker association with neurological outcome

Patient contact: Involves direct contact for biospecimen handling and storage. Needs infection containment for biospecimen storage (BSL 2 +)

Ethical board: Requires full board review and informed consent

Common data elements Core Enhanced Supplemental
Participating centers

All centers

 All centers able to participate regardless of resource levels

 Many centers

 Large sample size

Able/willing centers participate

 Fewer sites

 Smaller overall sample size but more granular data

Small # of centers with necessary resources participate

 Few sites

 Smaller overall sample size but with longitudinal data and biomarker data

Cost/resource needs Low, self-funded Modest cost for data collection and entry High cost for research coordinator time, specimen processing, laboratory or imaging studies that are not part of routine clinical care