Reliability difference (A–D) and chosen action
value (E–F) signals were extracted from each pre-registered
ROI. (A, E) Regions with significant signals in Study 1 (grey) were
selected as hypotheses for Study 2. (C) Whole-brain map for the
reliability difference signal was also examined in Study 1, with a
cluster-forming threshold of P<0.001 uncorrected, followed by
cluster-level FWE correction at P<0.05. Significant clusters were saved
as functional ROIs to be examined in Study 2. No cluster survived correction for
chosen value. (B, D, F) Green plots represent significant effects
in Study 2, confirming a priori hypothesis from Study 1. White plots represent
hypotheses not confirmed in Study 2. Dots represent individual subjects; the
black bar the mean beta estimate. T-tests: * P<0.05, †