Emulation reliability (A–D), update in token values
(E–H), and choice imitation reliability
(I–L) signals extracted from each pre-registered ROI.
(A, E, I) Regions with significant signals in Study 1 (grey)
were selected as hypotheses and a priori ROIs for Study 2. (C, G,
K) Whole-brain maps were examined in Study 1, with a cluster-forming
threshold of P<0.001 uncorrected, followed by cluster-level FWE
correction at P<0.05. Significant clusters were saved as functional ROIs
to be examined in Study 2. (B, D, F, H, J, L) Green plots represent
significant effects in Study 2, confirming the a priori hypothesis from Study 1.
White plots represent hypotheses that were not confirmed in Study 2. Dots
represent individual subjects; the black bar the mean beta estimate. T-tests: *