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. 2019 Aug 6;23(3):317–329. doi: 10.1007/s00737-019-00994-0

Table 1.

OT administration trials in trauma-exposed individuals and PTSD patients

Year Authors RCT Sample Sex (f) Dose (IU) Min. to task Stimuli/task Neuroanatomic, psychophysiological and neuroendocrine response to OT (vs PL) Psychological responses to OT (vs PL)
2017 Sack et al. DBPLWS 35 PTSD 100% 24 45 Trauma-script driven imagery

↑ HR at baseline and to trauma-script

↓ marker sympathetic cardiac control

≠ HRV (parasympathetic cardial tone)

↓ total state PTSD symptoms

↓ avoidance (trend for significance)

≠ re-experiencing or dissociation

2016 Palgi et al. DBPLCO


30 healthy controls

28% 24 45 Compassion task ----- PTSD and HC: ↑ compassion towards women (not towards men)
2017 Palgi et al. Emotional/cognitive empathy tasks ----- PTSD males: ↑ recognition body-motions of anger
2016 Nawijn et al. DBPLCO


37 trauma-exposed

44% 40 50 Monetary incentive delay task

PTSD and TE: ↑ left and right STRIA and INS (PTM) and right dACC

PTSD: ↑ left vSTRIA during reward anticipation related to severity of anhedonia

PTSD: ↓ anhedonia
2017 Nawijn et al.

Social incentive

delay task

PTSD and TE: ↑ left aINS and right PTM

PTSD: ↑↑ left aINS (up to level of TE controls)

PTSD symptoms ≠ PTM or INS responses PTSD and TE: ≠ AMY

PTSD and TE: ≠ social reward/punishment ratings and social reward feedback;

PTSD: ↓ punishment ratings related to severity of PTSD symptoms

2016a Koch et al. DBPLCO


40 trauma-exposed

47% 40 45 Fearful-angry/ happy-neutral faces

TE: ↑ left AMY

PTSD: ↓ left AMY

(independent of sex and stimuli valence)

PTSD: ↓↓ AMY related to higher state anxiety
2016b Koch et al. Resting-state

PTSD males:↑ FC vmPFC and CeM

PTSD females: ↓ FC AMY-dACC

↓ anxiety and nervousness in PTSD
2018b Flanagan et al. DBPLBS



18% 40 45 PE session (weeks 2–9) ----- ↓ lower PTSD and depression symptom severity (non sign)
2016a Frijling et al. DBPLBS

19 TE-OT

18 TE - PL

51% 40



Script-driven imagery


↓ FC AMY-left vlPFC



↑ higher flashback intensity

↓ sleepiness during trauma-script

2016b Frijling et al. DBPLBS

23 TE-OT

18 TE - PL

59% 40 45 Emotional face-matching task

↑ right AMY to fearful faces

↑ left AMY in females to neutral faces

OT and PL: acute PTSD symptomatology ≠ with AMY responses to fearful faces
2017 van Zuiden et al. DBPLBS

53 TE-OT

54 TE-PL

50% 40 (twice daily - 8 days) 12 days after trauma ----- -----

≠ PTSD symptoms 1,5 months postpartum

↓ PTSD symptoms at follow up when high initial acute PTSD symptoms

↑, increased; ↓, decreased; ≠, no effect/no difference/unrelated; ----, not measured; CO, cross over; WS, within subjects; BS, between subjects; DB, double-blind; PL, placebo; HR, heart rate; FC, functional connectivity; OT, oxytocin, d, dorsal, a, anterior; v, ventral; vl, ventrolateral; vm, ventromedial; AMY, amygdala; PFC, prefrontal cortex; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; INS, insula; STRIA, striatum