Fig. 1. The atrophy pattern of 47 SD patients.
a, b The comparisons between left SD (n = 28) vs. controls (n = 20) and right SD (n = 19) vs. controls. The two-sided voxel-based independent t-tests were used (df = 46 and 37, respectively; FDR-corrected p < 0.05). c the comparison between left and right SD. The two-sided voxel-based independent t-test was used (df = 45; FDR-corrected p < 0.05). d the ROIs used in the multiple regression analyses. e Scatterplots showing the distribution and inter-relationships of left ATL, right ATL and OFC atrophy across the left and right-sided SD patients and the FTD sub-categories. The boundaries of severe FTD and SD/bv-FTD were defined in terms of containing 25% of the cases with the most severe bilateral ATL and OFC atrophy, respectively. ATL anterior temporal lobe, OFC orbital frontal cortex, SD semantic dementia, bv-FTD behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.