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. 2019 Jul 23;142(9):2631–2643. doi: 10.1093/brain/awz210

Table 2.

Phenotype details of individuals with LOF variants in STAG2

Present study Mullegama et al., 2017 Aoi et al., 2019 Yuan et al., 2019
Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6 Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3
Variant c.3034C>T p.(R1012*) c.205C>T p.(Arg69*) c.436C>T p.(R146*) c.2533+1G>A c.2898_2899del p.(Glu968Serfs *15) c.775C>T p.(Arg259*) c.205C>T p.(Arg69*) c.3097C>T p.(Arg1033*) c.2229C>T p.(Trp743*) c.418C>T p.Q140* c.1605T>A p.C535* c.1658_1660delinsT p.K533Ifs*6
Inheritance De novo De novo Singleton Maternal De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo
Sex Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Female Female Female Female
Age Newborn 2 years 32-week gestation Newborn/ deceased 12 months 9.5 years 8 years foetus 7 years 3.7 years 4.5 years 1.9 years
Brain MRI/HPE type Alobar Semi-lobar Alobara Semi-lobar Microform Septo-optic dysplasia Dysgenesis of the splenium of the corpus callosum HPE (unspecified) White matter hypoplasia NR NR Microform; agenesis of corpus callosum; colpocephaly
Developmental delay NA Global NA NA + Intellectual disability; motor delay; Speech NR Intellectual disability; developmental delay Motor and speech delay Intellectual disability; motor and speech delay Intellectual disability; motor and speech delay
Craniofacial anomalies Midline cleft lip/palate Cleft palate; micrognathia Cyclopia; absent nose, microsomia, hypognathia NR Submucous cleft palate Cleft lip/palate Cleft palate Micrognathia Single central incisor; micrognathia
Microcephaly + + + Severe + + NR + +
Ear anomalies and hearing Low-set Hypoplastic right ear NR NR Bilateral microtia with hearing loss NR Hearing loss Dysmorphic ears Microtia, right; conductive hearing loss Dysmorphic ears
Vertebral anomalies Lumbar spina bifida T7−T10 hemivertebrae NR NR NR Thoracic hemivertebrae and butterfly vertebrae NR Thoracic hemivertebrae Vertebral clefts NR +
Congenital heart disease NR Patent foramen ovale and patent ductus arteriosus Ventricular septal defect Hypoplastic left heart; DORV Ventricular septal defect Ventricular septal defect Hypoplastic left heart Hypoplastic left heart NR NR
Growth delay NR + NA NA + NR Short stature + +
Limb anomalies - NR NR Left hip dysplasia Bilateral fifth finger clinodactyly NR NR Fifth finger clinodactyly
Other Gastroesophageal reflux and has a G-tube and Nissen fundoplication Duodenal atresia Bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia Seizure disorder Seizure disorder Seizure disorder

DORV = double outlet right ventricle; NA = non-applicable; NR = not reported.

aAutopsy finding.