Figure. 1. CRISPR Screen for Host Suppressors of EBV Lytic Reactivation.
(A) CRISPR screen workflow. Cas9+ P3HR-1 were transduced with the Avana sgRNA library and sorted for the top 5% cells with plasma membrane (PM) EBV lytic antigen gp350 expression. Lentivirus-integrated sgRNA abundances from input versus sorted cells were quantitated.
(B) Volcano plots showing the -Log10 (p-value) and Log2 fold-change of sgRNA abundance in input versus Day 6 (top) or Day 9 output (bottom). Selected screen hit categories are highlighted.
(C) Selected screen hits organized by category. Day 6 and 9 hits are indicated by blue versus orange coloring, respectively. Screen hit validation are indicated. PARP1 was reported as a repressor of EBV lytic reactivation (Lupey-Green et al., 2017). See also Figure S1.