An illustration of how to weigh a “successfully prevented event”, showing two patients with identical cardiovascular risk profiles and their diverging trajectories based on guideline recommendations for statin therapy [8, 14–19]. TC triglycerides, HDL high-density lipoprotein, SBP systolic blood pressure, HTN hypertension, ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, OM diabetes, CV cardiovascular, 1° primary, 2° Secondary, CVD cardiovascular disease, CCS Canadian Cardiovascular Society, NICE-UK The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence United Kingdom, USPSTF United States Preventative Services Task Force, AHA/ACC American Heart Association/American Cardiology Association, ESC/EAS European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society, VA/DoD Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense. aIf 10-year risk calculated using the Pooled Cohort Equation. bRoyalty-free image titled “person” by Vaibhav Radhakrishnan from the Noun Project. cRecommend for patient A as per CCS, NICE-UK, and USPSTF. dRecommend for patient Bas per ACC/AHA, AHA/ACC, ESC/EAS and VA/DoD. eRecommend for patient Bas er ACC/AHA, AHA/ACC, CCS, ESC/EAS, NICE-UK, and USPSTF (all guidelines except VA/DoD)