Fig. 4.
2D visualization of molecular interaction of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (1R42) with a hydroxychloroquine, b captopril, c curcumin, d nimbin, e piperine, f withaferin A, g mangiferin, h thebaine, i andrographolide, j berberine, k resveratrol, l quercetin, m luteolin, n naringenin, o zingiberene, p gallic acid q β-caryophyllene r citronellol, s eugenol and t displays the color indication for interactions. H-bonding (dark green circles associated with the green dashed lines); van der Waals forces (medium light green circles); carbon–oxygen dipole–dipole interaction (light green circles with dashed lines); alkyl-pi interactions (light pink circles with dashed lines); T-shaped pi–pi stacking and (parallel) pi–pi stacking (both indicated with dark violet circles); cation–pi interaction (orange circle). The blue halo surrounding the interacting residues represents the solvent accessible surface that is proportional to its diameter. Images were generated using Discovery Studio Visualizer 4.5 (color figure online)