Case A
Public Regional General Hospital of the Federal Social Security in Mexico (Toluca); 1000 beds; 940 employees |
A&E (Accident & Emergency) management
Medical Care with a Specialist
Cardiology specialty process
Cystic fibrosis specialty process
Start of the Kaizen–Kata project in February 2019, with integrated project teams
Hospital with ISO 9000 certification in the cystic fibrosis process since 2015
Plans for ISO 9000 (ISO-International Organization for Standardization-9000 Quality Management System) certification of the emergency process.
Case B
Regional Public Social Security Hospital (San Andrés Cholula); 100 beds; 35 employees |
Case C
Medium-sized General Hospital (Tlaxcala); 30 beds; 18 employees |
A&E management
Medical Care with a Specialist
Specialty Flu and Contagiousness Process
Cystic fibrosis specialty process