Table 6.
Mean± SD values of serum urea, creatinine and some electrolytes of rats exposed to a mixture of DDVP +CYP DDVP through inhalation.
Group | K+ | Na+ | Cl– | HCO3 – | UREA (mg/l) | CREAT (mg/l) |
Control | 3.72±0.23a | 124.50±5.19a | 89.50±5.19a | 25.25±3.50a | 4.42±1.99a | 96.25±11.44a |
1C | 6.57±0.76bf | 134.75±6.22bc | 89.25±4.78a | 17.75±5.61b | 5.17±1.73ad | 124.00±7.16d |
2C | 5.57±0.37c | 138.50±3.87bd | 97.75±6.13bc | 23.75±3.21a | 5.60±1.00ad | 29.00±43.42f |
3C | 4.85±0.36d | 136.00±3.55bc | 99.50±1.73d | 27.00±4.69ac | 8.77±2.60b | 5.75±2.21g |
Data in the same column bearing different superscripts differ significantly. (P<0.05) DDVP: Dichlorovos, CYP: Cypermethrin. 1C = exposed to a mixture of DDVP +CYP for 2 weeks, 2C = exposed to a mixture of DDVP +CYP for 4 weeks and 3C = exposed to a mixture of DDVP + CYP for 6 weeks