Gas cavity formation of HF- and untreated membranes.Representative images of Masson-Goldner (A,F) and Von Kossa (B–E) staining (40×) of the implantation site (scalebar = 20 µm) at 6, 12 and 18 weeks. Left for untreated (Mg) and right for HF-treated (Mg#) magnesium. Fibrotic capsule forming (*) is visible at all times whereas gas cavity formation ceased to show after 12 weeks. The HF-coated mesh was mainly degraded by mononuclear cells (yellow arrows) up to 12 weeks, while the uncoated magnesium meshes elicited a fibrosis-like tissue reaction showing fibroblast accumulation (black arrows). Starting from 18 weeks after implantation, the tissue reaction in both groups was similar. Yellow arrows = phagocytic cells, black arrows = fibroblasts, asterisks = slight fibrosis.