Figure 6.
Robustness of RISK6. (a) ROC AUC values for discrimination between HIV-uninfected TB cases and asymptomatic controls in the CTBC cohort by the full 6-gene RISK6 signature (9 pairs formed between 6 transcripts, far left), or after removing 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the transcripts such that every combination of the pairs (represented by individual blue dots) was tested. The grey bar graph represents the mean and the error bar the 95% CI. (b–d) ROC curves depicting performance of RISK6 for discriminating between TB cases and controls in the capillary blood cohort. Green curves represent RISK6 measured on 2.5 mL venous blood collected in PAXgene tubes. Blue curves represent RISK6 measured on 20 μL (b), 50 μL (c) or 100 μL (d) capillary blood collected by finger stick. Shaded areas depict the 95% CI. The Spearman correlation coefficients and associated p-values for comparison of RISK6 scores measured by 2.5 mL venous blood versus each capillary blood volume are shown. Only individuals with paired venous and capillary blood results were included in each comparison (i.e. venous blood results in those with a missing capillary blood value were excluded from each graph). ROC curves were compared using the DeLong paired test in R and resulting p-values are shown.