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. 2020 May 25;21:8. doi: 10.1186/s10195-020-00548-6

Table 1.

General characteristics of hip arthroplasty patients

Age (years) 56 (14–77)
Male/female (n) 112/110
Height (m) 1.71
Weight (kg) 87
BMI (kg/m2) 29.6 ± 4.90
Smoking (n, %)
 Current smoker 55 (25)
 Nonsmoker 167 (75)
Diagnosis (n, %)
 Primary osteoarthritis 200 (90.1)
 Femoral neck fracture 2 (0.9)
 Posttraumatic osteoarthritis 5 (2.3)
 Legg–Calve–Perthes 3 (1.4)
 DDH 5 (2.3)
 Idiopathic AVN 6 (2.7)
 Revision (MoM acetabular component loosening) 1 (0,5)
Comorbidities (n) 1.2 ± 1
Length of hospital stay (days) 5.4 ± 1.4
Surgical approach (n, %)
 Direct lateral 116 (52)
 Posterolateral 106 (48)

BMI body-mass index, DDH developmental dysplasia of hip, AVN avascular necrosis, MoM metal-on-metal