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. 2020 May 19;11:954. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00954


Permutational ANOVA pairwise tests of beta diversity comparisons between the four life stages of the trematode parasite Coitocaecum parvum and potential external sources (their respective hosts, their surface microbiota, and the environment) with raw p-values and p-values corrected for multiple testing (BH-FDR, Benjamini and Hochberg correction).

Unweighted-unifrac Weighted-unifrac Unweighted-unifrac-by Phylum Unweighted-unifrac-by Family

Sample size pseudo-F p-value BH-FDR pseudo-F p-value BH-FDR pseudo-F p-value BH-FDR pseudo-F p-value BH-FDR
Host Life Stage
Snail Sporocyst 10 1.079 0.322 0.390 2.390 0.015 0.064 0.566 0.694 0.798 1.025 0.441 0.507
Snail Cercaria 10 1.146 0.211 0.314 2.484 0.015 0.064 1.384 0.167 0.329 1.907 0.007 0.039
Amphipod Metacercaria 17 2.986 0.000 0.007 4.256 0.005 0.051 7.011 0.001 0.014 6.245 0.000 0.007
Fish Adult 11 1.151 0.226 0.322 2.067 0.183 0.288 1.428 0.180 0.329 2.220 0.020 0.055
Surface microbiota Life Stage
sporPBS Sporocyst 7 1.197 0.190 0.302 0.345 0.810 0.887 1.368 0.286 0.387 1.228 0.143 0.199
mPBS Metacercaria 14 1.054 0.373 0.429 0.354 0.890 0.912 0.147 0.900 0.920 0.475 0.973 0.973
adPBS Adult 11 0.955 0.467 0.499 2.729 0.142 0.243 1.514 0.186 0.329 1.549 0.071 0.120
Environment Life Stage
SLabEnv Sporocyst 7 1.661 0.048 0.112 1.669 0.238 0.332 3.106 0.095 0.228 2.877 0.048 0.088
Environment Sporocyst 9 2.389 0.007 0.044 5.595 0.007 0.051 8.195 0.006 0.058 5.252 0.007 0.039
SLabEnv Cercaria 7 1.453 0.048 0.112 3.371 0.048 0.104 2.666 0.048 0.183 2.914 0.048 0.088
Environment Cercaria 9 2.159 0.008 0.044 7.285 0.008 0.054 9.354 0.008 0.064 5.942 0.008 0.039
ALabEnv Metacercaria 13 1.501 0.061 0.134 3.003 0.051 0.107 4.252 0.014 0.066 2.812 0.012 0.048
Environment Metacercaria 15 2.814 0.001 0.010 10.320 0.001 0.016 16.214 0.001 0.014 7.793 0.001 0.010
FlabEnv Adult 11 1.802 0.019 0.079 2.311 0.198 0.288 3.218 0.056 0.191 3.074 0.019 0.054
Environment Adult 13 2.361 0.001 0.010 6.032 0.001 0.021 11.674 0.002 0.024 6.695 0.001 0.010

spor, sporocyst; m, metacercaria; ad, adult; SLabEnv, water in which snails were kept in the lab; ALabEnv: water in which amphipods were kept in the lab; FLabEnv: water in which fish were kept in the lab. Significant p-values are shown in bold.