Increased expression levels of miR-93 suppress Lats2 expression levels and inactivates the Hippo/Yap pathway after MI. (A) Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR analysis identified the downregulation of Lats2 mRNA expression by transfection of lentivirus expressing miR-93 on day 3 of MI. n=4 mice per group. (B) Western blot analysis revealed the suppression of Lats2 expression by lentivirus transfection expressing miR-93 after MI. n=4-5 mice per group. (C) Representative bands of p-Yap, Yap and VEGF on day 3 of MI. Increased expression of miR-93 induced a (D) decrease in the phosphorylation levels of Yap and an (E) increase in total Yap expression after MI. n=4-6 mice per group. (F) Increased expression of miR-93 in the myocardium had no effect on the expression of VEGF after MI. n=4 mice per group. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. *P<0.05 vs. the indicated group. ns, not significant. MI, myocardial infarction; scr, scrambled; miR, microRNA; Lats2, large tumor suppressor 2; Yap, Yes-associated protein; p, phosphorylated; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; S, sham.