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. 2019 Sep 20;42(2):139–144. doi: 10.1016/j.htct.2019.06.006

Table 2.

Demographic and hematological characteristics of each patient with a diagnosis of SCA and bacterial meningitis.

Case Year of diagnosis Age (years) Sex RBC
(106cells /mm3)
Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dL) Platelets (103cells/ mm3) WBC
(cells/ mm3)
Neutrophils (cells/ mm3) Lymphocytes (cells/ mm3)
1 1999 5 M NA 18 5.5 NA 58,000 52,204 3,480
2 2000 6 M 2.1 17.8 5.6 171 25,500 20,910 3,825
3 2001 11 M 3.2 20.8 6.5 226 23,400 18,954 3,978
4 2002 3 M 2.1 16.7 5.2 385 23,300 20,970 2,097
5 2003 18 M 3.2 34.6 10.9 299 65,700 64,386 657
6 2006 20 M NA 39.5 12.9 88 40,100 33,283 3,208
7 2007 35 F 3.4 30.7 9.4 609 10,900 9592 1,090
8 2007 22 M 3.1 25.6 8.9 365 21,300 17,679 2,556
9 2011 2 M 3.8 30.3 9.1 246 19,600 14,308 4,900
10 2011 6 M 2.1 25 7.7 340 32,000 23,360 7,680