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. 2020 Apr 30;25(9):2114. doi: 10.3390/molecules25092114

Table 1.

Ethno-medicinal plants used in the treatment of hypertension by influencing the ACE1 renin–angiotensin (RAS) pathway.

Species Mechanism Bioactive Phytochemicals Geographical Distribution Reference
* Adenopodia spicata Spiny splinter bean ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids Southern Africa Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12]
* Agapanthus africanus African lily ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids
Sitosterol, yuccagenin, agapanthagenin, spirostan sapogenins.
South Africa Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12]
* Agave Americana Century plant, maguey, or American aloe ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids
mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, n-docosane, and eicosane
Mexico, USA Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12]
Allium sp. Wild Garlic Decrease circulating angiotensin II Allicin Indigenous: Central Asia
Currently found worldwide
Preuss, et al. [43]
* Amaranthus dubius Red spinach, Chinese spinach, wild spinach ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids
Niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, hydrocyanic acid, oxalic acid
Indigenous: China
Currently found worldwide
Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
* Amaranthus hybridus Smooth amaranth, smooth pigweed ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides North America Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
Aronia melanocarpa Chokeberry Weak ACE1 inhibition Polyphenols North America Sikora, et al. [44]
Aspalathus linearis Rooibos ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, polyphenols Western Cape, South Africa Persson [42]
* Asystasia gangetica Creeping foxglove ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids
Alkaloids, terpenes, salidroside, apigenin, ajugol, megastigmaneglucoside, benzyl β-D-glucopyranoside
Tropics Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
Berberis integerrima Barberry ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. Iran Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6]
Caragana microphylla Littleleaf Peashrub ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. Mongolia, China Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6]
Cecropia glaziovii Pumpwood (guarumo) ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins S. America-southern and eastern Brazil Lacaille-Dubois, et al. [45]
Crataegus spp Hawthorn Weak ACE1 inhibitory effect Bioflavonoids and proanthocyanidins North America and Europe Brixius, et al. [46]
Rawat, et al. [47]
* Dietes iridioides African iris, Cape iris ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids Sub-Saharan Africa Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12]
Galinsoga parviflora Potato weed ACE1 inhibition Not known Central America. Currently found worldwide Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
Guazuma ulmifolia West Indian elm Inhibits binding
of Ang II to angiotensin II type 1 receptor
Proanthocyanidins Central America Caballero-George, et al. [48]
Hibiscus sabderiffa Hibiscus ACE1 inhibition Anthocyanins (delphinidin-3-sambubiocyde and cynadine-3-sambubiocyde) Africa, South East Asia, and Central America Ojeda, et al. [49]
Ipomoea reniformis Morning glory ACE1 inhibition Polyphenols Subcontinent of Asia, China, Indonesia, Australia and Africa Jabeen and Aslam [50]
* Justicia flava Water-willow and shrimp plant ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids
Sterols, salicyclic acid, lignins, docosanoic acid
tropical to warm temperate regions worldwide Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
* Mesembryanthemum sp. Fig marigold or Icicle plant ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids
Betanidin, isobetanin, sterols, sapogenines, triterpenes, tannins and alkaloids
Southern Africa Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12]
Musanga cecropioides Corkwood ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins Tropical Africa Lacaille-Dubois, Franck and Wagner [45]
Nigella sativa Black cumin ACE1 inhibition Thymoquinone and polyphenols Middle
East, India and Northern Africa
Jaarin, et al. [51]
Nymphaea alba White waterlily ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. Europe, Middle East and North Africa Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6]
Ocimum gratissimum African basil ACE1 inhibition Phenolic
compound, rutin
Africa, Madagascar, Southern Asia
Naturalized in the West Indies and surrounding countries
Shaw, et al. [52]
Olea europaea subsp. Africana Wild olive ACE1 inhibition Oleuropein, esculin, ursolic acid, scopolin and oleanolic acid Africa Msomi and Simelane [53]
Onopordum acanthium Cotton thistle ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. Europe, northern Africa, the Canary Islands, the Caucasus, and southwest and central Asia. Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6]
Oxygonum sinuatum Double thorn ACE1 inhibition Not known Sub-Saharan Africa Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
Peperomia pellucida Shiny bush ACE1 inhibition Terpenoids, Glycosides,
Antraquinones, Tannins
Indonesia Saputri, et al. [54]
Physalis viscosa Sticky gooseberry ACE1 inhibition Not known South America, Naturalised world-wide Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
* Protorhus longifolia Red beech ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids
South Africa, Swaziland Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12]
Quercus infectoria Aleppo oak ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. Greece, Asia minor Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6]
Rosa rugose Beach rose ACE1 inhibition Not known East Asia
Naturalised in Europe and North America
Xie and Zhang [55]
Rubus sp. Berries ACE1 inhibition Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. North America, Europe Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6]
Tulbaghia violacea Garlic Reduced BP–ACE1 and β1 inhibition
(may not act via AT1 receptors or α1 receptors)
Bioflavonoids, steroidal saponins South Africa, Zimbabwe Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12]
Mackraj, Ramesar and Singh [36]
Raji, Mugabo and Obikeze [40]
Raji, Obikeze and Mugabo [41]
Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38]
Viola mandshurica Manchurian violet ACE1 inhibition Not known East Asian
region, China, Taiwan, Mongolia, Japan, Russia and the
Far East
Huh [56]
Zingiber ottensii Red beehive ginger ACE 1 inhibition Bioactive protein peptides Tropics of Africa, Asia and the Americas Yodjun, et al. [57]

* Plants aqueous or ethanolic extracts inhibited the ACE enzyme by greater than 50% and tested negative for tannins using the gelatin salt block test.