Table 1.
Species | Mechanism | Bioactive Phytochemicals | Geographical Distribution | Reference | |
* Adenopodia spicata | Spiny splinter bean | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids | Southern Africa | Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12] |
* Agapanthus africanus | African lily | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids Sitosterol, yuccagenin, agapanthagenin, spirostan sapogenins. |
South Africa | Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12] |
* Agave Americana | Century plant, maguey, or American aloe | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, n-docosane, and eicosane |
Mexico, USA | Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12] |
Allium sp. | Wild Garlic | Decrease circulating angiotensin II | Allicin | Indigenous: Central Asia Currently found worldwide |
Preuss, et al. [43] |
* Amaranthus dubius | Red spinach, Chinese spinach, wild spinach | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids Niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, hydrocyanic acid, oxalic acid |
Indigenous: China Currently found worldwide |
Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
* Amaranthus hybridus | Smooth amaranth, smooth pigweed | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides | North America | Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
Aronia melanocarpa | Chokeberry | Weak ACE1 inhibition | Polyphenols | North America | Sikora, et al. [44] |
Aspalathus linearis | Rooibos | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, polyphenols | Western Cape, South Africa | Persson [42] |
* Asystasia gangetica | Creeping foxglove | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids Alkaloids, terpenes, salidroside, apigenin, ajugol, megastigmaneglucoside, benzyl β-D-glucopyranoside |
Tropics | Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
Berberis integerrima | Barberry | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. | Iran | Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6] |
Caragana microphylla | Littleleaf Peashrub | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. | Mongolia, China | Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6] |
Cecropia glaziovii | Pumpwood (guarumo) | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins | S. America-southern and eastern Brazil | Lacaille-Dubois, et al. [45] |
Crataegus spp | Hawthorn | Weak ACE1 inhibitory effect | Bioflavonoids and proanthocyanidins | North America and Europe | Brixius, et al. [46] Rawat, et al. [47] |
* Dietes iridioides | African iris, Cape iris | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids | Sub-Saharan Africa | Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12] |
Galinsoga parviflora | Potato weed | ACE1 inhibition | Not known | Central America. Currently found worldwide | Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
Guazuma ulmifolia | West Indian elm | Inhibits binding of Ang II to angiotensin II type 1 receptor |
Proanthocyanidins | Central America | Caballero-George, et al. [48] |
Hibiscus sabderiffa | Hibiscus | ACE1 inhibition | Anthocyanins (delphinidin-3-sambubiocyde and cynadine-3-sambubiocyde) | Africa, South East Asia, and Central America | Ojeda, et al. [49] |
Ipomoea reniformis | Morning glory | ACE1 inhibition | Polyphenols | Subcontinent of Asia, China, Indonesia, Australia and Africa | Jabeen and Aslam [50] |
* Justicia flava | Water-willow and shrimp plant | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids Sterols, salicyclic acid, lignins, docosanoic acid |
tropical to warm temperate regions worldwide | Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
* Mesembryanthemum sp. | Fig marigold or Icicle plant | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids Betanidin, isobetanin, sterols, sapogenines, triterpenes, tannins and alkaloids |
Southern Africa | Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12] |
Musanga cecropioides | Corkwood | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins | Tropical Africa | Lacaille-Dubois, Franck and Wagner [45] |
Nigella sativa | Black cumin | ACE1 inhibition | Thymoquinone and polyphenols | Middle East, India and Northern Africa |
Jaarin, et al. [51] |
Nymphaea alba | White waterlily | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. | Europe, Middle East and North Africa | Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6] |
Ocimum gratissimum | African basil | ACE1 inhibition | Phenolic compound, rutin |
Africa, Madagascar, Southern Asia Naturalized in the West Indies and surrounding countries |
Shaw, et al. [52] |
Olea europaea subsp. Africana | Wild olive | ACE1 inhibition | Oleuropein, esculin, ursolic acid, scopolin and oleanolic acid | Africa | Msomi and Simelane [53] |
Onopordum acanthium | Cotton thistle | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. | Europe, northern Africa, the Canary Islands, the Caucasus, and southwest and central Asia. | Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6] |
Oxygonum sinuatum | Double thorn | ACE1 inhibition | Not known | Sub-Saharan Africa | Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
Peperomia pellucida | Shiny bush | ACE1 inhibition | Terpenoids, Glycosides, Antraquinones, Tannins |
Indonesia | Saputri, et al. [54] |
Physalis viscosa | Sticky gooseberry | ACE1 inhibition | Not known | South America, Naturalised world-wide | Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
* Protorhus longifolia | Red beech | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids Triterpenes |
South Africa, Swaziland | Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12] |
Quercus infectoria | Aleppo oak | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. | Greece, Asia minor | Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6] |
Rosa rugose | Beach rose | ACE1 inhibition | Not known | East Asia Naturalised in Europe and North America |
Xie and Zhang [55] |
Rubus sp. | Berries | ACE1 inhibition | Flavonoids, flavinols, flavonols, anthocynins, isoflavones, flavones, and other phenolic compounds. | North America, Europe | Kearney, Whelton, Reynolds, Muntner, Whelton and He [6] |
Tulbaghia violacea | Garlic | Reduced BP–ACE1 and β1 inhibition (may not act via AT1 receptors or α1 receptors) |
Bioflavonoids, steroidal saponins | South Africa, Zimbabwe | Duncan, Jäger and van Staden [12] Mackraj, Ramesar and Singh [36] Raji, Mugabo and Obikeze [40] Raji, Obikeze and Mugabo [41] Ramesar, Baijnath, Govender and Mackraj [38] |
Viola mandshurica | Manchurian violet | ACE1 inhibition | Not known | East Asian region, China, Taiwan, Mongolia, Japan, Russia and the Far East |
Huh [56] |
Zingiber ottensii | Red beehive ginger | ACE 1 inhibition | Bioactive protein peptides | Tropics of Africa, Asia and the Americas | Yodjun, et al. [57] |
* Plants aqueous or ethanolic extracts inhibited the ACE enzyme by greater than 50% and tested negative for tannins using the gelatin salt block test.