FIG. 3.
Microvascular networks form perfusable lumens. (A) Orthogonal projections of z-stack images of RFP-HUVECs cultured with AT-MSCs in a fibrin gel for 5 days. Images were composed from 0.9 μm serial confocal images (72 slices) through the z-plane of the cells. Left panel shows stacked xy projection, and the side and bottom panels show yz and xz projections. Yellow crosshairs indicate intersection of yz and yx planes. Rightmost panel shows single slice from stack at z-depth as indicated by the x and y axis crosshairs within the projections. Scale bars, 100 μm. For lumen projections, see Supplementary Video S1A and B. (B) Fluorescent microparticles added to the medium channel enter the microvascular network, demonstrating that the engineered networks are perfusable. Scale bars, 25 μm. AT, adipose tissue.