Figure 3. 1, Frontal muscle; 2, orbicularis oculi muscle, part of the eyelid; 3, procerus muscle; 4, medial palpebral ligament; 5, nasal muscle; 6, levator muscle of the upper lip and of the wing of nose muscle; 7, levator of the upper lip muscle; 8, small zygomatic muscle; 9, great zygomatic muscle; 10, orbicularis oris muscle; 11, risorio muscle; 12, squared muscle of the inferior lip; 13, mentalis muscle; 14, triangular muscle; 15, platysma muscle; 16, parotid fascia; 17, fascia masseter; 18, anterior auricular muscle; 19, occipital muscle; 20, temporoparietal and upper auricular muscles; 21, aponeurotic galea.
Reproduced with permission, from Anastasi G, et al., Anatomia dell’uomo, fourth edition [Human Anatomy], 2010, Milan: Edi-Ermes, p. 127.