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. 2020 May 19;11:659. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00659

Table 1.

Characteristics of the studies included in the meta-analysis.

Author Country Year Study type Data period Definition of preterm Exposure Sample size (preterm) Adjusted confounders
Richardson et al., 2019 UK 2019 UKTIS 1995−2018 Venlafaxine 1,274 (158) Venlafaxine-exposed pregnancies by both calendar year and maternal age (each ±2 years) at UKTIS referral
Laine et al., 2019 Finnish 2019 National birth registry 2009−2015 <37 All ADs 6263 Age, cohabitation, smoking, education, body mass index, fertility treatments, previous pregnancies, and gestational diabetes mellitus
Yonkers et al., 2017 Connecticut and southern Massachusetts 2017 U.S. prospective cohort 2005−2009 <37 SRIs 2,654 (225) Age, race/ethnicity, educational level, and smoking, heavy drinking, and illicit drug use during pregnancy
Viktorin et al., 2016 Swedish 2016 National birth registry 2006−2009 <259
SSRIs 390,404 Mother's education, mother's BMI, parity, mother's age at pregnancy, mother's previous psychiatric history, mother's smoking status at the first visit to maternal care
Winterfeld et al., 2015 Canada 2015 TIS 1995−2011 <37 Mirtazapine 581 (57) Selected randomly, and cases and control subjects were matched by TIS center, year of TIS contact (± 2 years), maternal age (± 2 years), and gestational age at the time of call (± 4 weeks)
Malm et al., 2015 Finland 2015 National birth registry 1996−2010 Late preterm
(32−36 weeks)
SSRIs 56,775 (2,449) Gender and birth period (1996–2000, 2001–2005, and 2006–2010), maternal age at delivery, place of residence, marital status, parity, smoking, socioeconomic status, purchase of anxiolytics, sedative-hypnotics, or antiepileptic drugs, pre-pregnancy diabetes, and other chronic diseases
Very preterm (< 32 weeks) 56,775 (359)
Şahingöz et al., 2014 Konya and Istanbul 2014 Turkish prospective cohort 20 < weeks < 37 SSRIs 89
Sadowski et al., 2013 Canada 2013 TIS 2005−2009 <37 Second-generation antipsychotics 266 (17) Age at conception (± 3 years) and pregnancy duration at the initial time of contact (± 2 weeks)
Nordeng et al., 2012 Norwegian 2012 The MoBa study 2000−2006 <37 All ADs 62,347 Level of depression, maternal age at delivery, education, parity, pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal asthma or cardiovascular disease, NSAID use, folic acid use, and smoking during pregnancy
Yonkers et al., 2012 Connecticut and southern Massachusetts 2012 U.S. prospective cohort 2005−2009 <37 SRIs 2,654 (225) Age, education, race, smoking, illicit drug use and pregnancy history, number of lifetime hospitalizations, age of depressive onset, number of prior depressive episodes, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder in pregnancy, and suicidal thoughts in pregnancy
El Marroun et al., 2012 Netherlands 2012 The Generation R study 2002−2006 <37 SSRIs 7,126 (365) Maternal age at intake, gender of the child, maternal education, ethnicity, maternal smoking and drinking habits, body mass index, parity, and maternal benzodiazepine use
Klieger-Grossmann et al., 2012 Canada 2012 TIS <37 Escitalopram 425 (28) Maternal age ±2 years, alcohol consumption and smoking, and gestational age at the time of call ±2 weeks
Einarson et al., 2011 Canada 2011 TIS 1992−2007 <37 All ADs 178 (15) Maternal age (± 2 years), smoking and alcohol use, time of call to Motherisk
Latendresse and Ruiz, 2011 Utah 2011 U.S. prospective cohort 2007.3−11 <37 SSRIs 100
Einarson et al., 2010 Canada 2010 TIS < 37 All ADs 1,856 (132) Maternal age (± 2 years), alcohol, tobacco, concurrent drug use
Lewis et al., 2010 Australia 2010 Clinic-based prospective cohort 2004−2005 <37 SSRIs/SNRIs/NaSSAs 54 (5)
Lund et al., 2009 Denmark 2009 Aarhus birth prospective cohort 1989−2006 <37 SSRIs 57,001 (2796) Maternal age, body mass index, smoking, a previous pregnancy with prematurity, and parity
Wisner et al., 2009 Cleveland and Pitts burgh 2009 U.S. prospective cohort 2000−2001, 2003−2007 Late preterm (≥34 to <37 weeks) SSRIs 279 (24) Maternal age and race
Early preterm
(< 34 weeks)
Calderon-Margalit et al., 2009 Swedish 2009 Omega study since 1996 20 < weeks < 37 SSRIs/SSRI+SNRI 2,631 (253) Maternal age, race, years of education, marital status, smoking during pregnancy, preeclampsia, parity, and singleton/multiple pregnancy
Suri et al., 2007 Los Angeles 2007 the University of California 2000−2005 All ADs 90 (14)
Djulus et al., 2006 Canada 2006 TIS 2002−2005 <37 Mirtazapine 208 (12) Maternal age at the time of conception (± 2 years), gestational age at the first contact (± 2 weeks), tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and chronic conditions
Sivojelezova et al., 2005 Canada 2005 TIS 1999-2002 <37 Citalopram 264 (16) Maternal age (± 2 years), gestational stage of pregnancy (± 2 weeks) at the time of recruitment
Källén, 2004 Swedish 2004 National birth registry 1995−2001 <37 Tricyclic 563,656
Year of birth, maternal age, parity, and maternal smoking in early pregnancy

TIS, Teratogen Information Service; AD, antidepressant; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SRI, serotonin reuptake inhibitor; NaSSA, noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; SNRI, serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; UKTIS, UK Teratology Information Service.