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. 2020 May 26;11:2631. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16284-8

Fig. 2. C. dipterum transcriptomes throughout its life cycle.

Fig. 2

a Mfuzz clusters showing high expression during embryonic, b nymphal and c adult stages (E4: 4 dpf embryo, E6: 6 dpf embryo, E10: 10 dpf embryo, E14: 14 dpf embryo, eN: early nymph head, mN: mid nymph head, lN: late nymph head, A: adult head). Plot numbers indicate the number of genes assigned to each of these clusters. Colour code reflects ‘Membership’ values calculated by Mfuzz, where magenta corresponds to high values and green to low values of Membership score. Histograms show enriched GO terms (determined with topGO R package). Each of them contains genes that are enriched in GO terms related to developmental processes, chitin and chemical stimuli perception and visual perception, respectively. Uncorrected P values shown in plots corresponded to two-sided Fisher’s exact tests (BP: biological process, CC: cellular component, MF: molecular function).