Figure 5.
Histopathology and immunohistochemistry analyses of liver and brain from moribund BALB mice. (A–C) Liver from a moribund BALB mouse on day 8.5 p.i. displays minimal multifocal inflammatory lesions either randomly distributed in the liver parenchyma (arrowhead) (A) or centered on portal tracts, mostly around bile ducts (arrowhead) (B). Rare RVFV-infected cells are indicated by IHC with antibodies against RVFV N protein (C). (D–I) Brains from moribund BALB mice on days 7 to 9 p.i. display different inflammatory and apoptotic/necrotic lesions: subacute leptomeningitis characterized by infiltration of leptomeninges by lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils (D), laminar apoptosis/necrosis of neurons in the cortical outer granular layer (E) with RVFV N protein-positive neurons (F), necrotic/apoptotic foci in different locations of the cerebral grey matter with gliosis (G) and infiltration of neutrophils (inset), and strong signal for RVFV N protein (H-I). Histology and immunohistochemistry results shown are representative of experiments performed on at least 4 animals. A, B, D, E, G: Hematoxylin and eosin staining; C, F, H, I: Immunohistochemistry for RVFV N protein.