Fig. 2. Reaction free energy profiles.
a Calculated free energy profiles from reactants to the covalent intermediate for the reference reaction in solution (green) and two α-amylases: psychrophilic AHA (blue) and mesophilic PPA (green). Δε is the generalized reaction coordinate33,34, and the s.e.m. for the free energy barriers is 0.08–0.14 kcal mol−1 (from ~300 replicate simulations). b Illustration of the reorganization energy effect in AHA. The reaction free energy profiles for the reference reaction (green) and AHA (blue) are shown (left-hand y axis) together with the diabatic free energy functions corresponding to the pure reactant (ΔGR— orange and light blue for water and enzyme, respectively) and intermediate (ΔGI— red and purple for water and enzyme, respectively) states in the two cases (right-hand y axis). The reorganization energies are indicated with vertical arrows.