Knockdown of KRT17 decreases osteosarcoma cell proliferation and induces G1 phase arrest in vitro. (A and B) The efficiency of three KRT17-targeting shRNAs was detected using western blotting. (C and D) Cell Counting Kit-8 assays were performed to detect the effects of KRT17 knockdown on osteosarcoma cell proliferation. (E and F) Colony formation assays were performed to detect the effects of KRT17 knockdown on osteosarcoma cell colony formation. (G and H) Cell cycle distribution was analyzed in the sh-scramble and sh-KRT17 groups of MG63 and Saos2 cells. (I) Western blotting was used to detect the expression of cyclin D1, CDK2, CDK4 and CDK6 in the sh-scramble and sh-KRT17 groups. *P<0.05, **P<0.01. KRT17, keratin 17; shRNA, short hairpin RNA; OD, optical density.