Figure 2.
D. melanogaster Adults Were First Attracted by Ecc before Being Repelled by It
(A and B) Adult females displayed a two-step behavior when given the choice between an Ecc-contaminated sucrose solution and a sucrose-only solution. (A) (Left) Kinetics of the AI for sucrose in a sucrose versus sucrose + Ecc experiment. (Right) CAI area for each specified solution (arrows) and its distribution over time. (B) (Left) histograms built with the CAI values from A. ∗∗p value < 0.01. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test, two-tailed p value. Error bars correspond to standard deviation. The preference index for Ecc is calculated with the CAI values from (B).
(C) Flies ingested bacteria during the initial phase. Picture: ventral view of an adult female sampled at t = 90 min and showing Ecc-GFP bacteria accumulating in the digestive tract. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. Graph: Boxplot of colony-forming unit (CFU) analysis of individual flies sampled at t = 90 min.
(D and E) Sugar-blind flies of the R1Gr5aLexa; Gr43a-; ΔGr61a, ΔGr64a-f genotype displayed a two-step behavior. (D) (Left) Kinetics of the AI for sucrose in a sucrose versus sucrose + Ecc experiment. (Right) CAI area for each specified solution (arrows) and its distribution over time.
(E) Histograms built with the CAI values from (D). ∗∗p value < 0.01. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test, Two-tailed p value. Error bars correspond to standard deviation. The preference index for Ecc is calculated with the CAI values from (D).
(F and G) Adult females expressing UAS-Kir2.1 in sweet neurons using Gr5aGal4 displayed aversion to Ecc. (F) (Top) Kinetics of the AI for sucrose. (Bottom) CAI area for each specified solution (arrows) and its distribution over time. (G) Histograms built with the CAI values from (F). ∗∗p value < 0.01. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test, Two-tailed p value. Error bars correspond to standard deviation. The preference indexes for Ecc are calculated with the CAI from (F). For (A and D) left graphs and (F) top graphs, the black lines and the gray lines correspond, respectively, to the mean and the standard deviation, and for right graphs in (A and D) and bottom graphs in (F), solely the mean value of the CAI obtained with multiple replicates is shown in black. n indicates the number of experimental replicates. a.u.: arbitrary unit. Data are represented as mean ± SD.